Description: This video uses footage of Canadians in different life stages and statistics to illustrate the value of an advisor.
Narrator: We’re not born knowing how to manage money.
Description: A young couple smiles lovingly at their newborn baby.
Narrator: We grow up needing a little guidance.
Description: Cut to a close-up of a mother and toddler’s feet, taking small steps together. Cut to a dad securing his son on a small scooter.
Narrator: An advisor offers expert advice to help you manage your life today for a better tomorrow
Description: A woman speaks to her advisor over video conference. The advisor smiles.
Narrator: by creating a personalized plan as unique as your goals and dreams.
Description: A couple sits in their living room, discussing their plan on a laptop.
Narrator: How much difference could an advisor make?
Description: Words “How much difference could an advisor make?” appear onscreen.
Narrator: How about having 60% more money in retirement
Description: A retired couple sit on a beach. The wife looks back to her husband and smiles. Words “Up to 60% more* retirement savings” appear onscreen with legal line: “*Saving for the future: Impact of Financial Advice on the Canadian Economy (IFIC 2020).”
Narrator: Being better prepared for an emergency
Description: A plumber fixes a leaking faucet. Words “32% more* prepared for a financial emergency” appear onscreen with legal line: “*Financial Planning Standards Council,, The Value of Financial Planning 2013.”
Narrator: Being able to handle changing markets
Description: Cut to a close-up of a hand scrolling through stock prices on a phone. Words “19% more* able to handle tough economic times” appear onscreen with legal line: “*Financial Planning Standards Council,, The Value of Financial Planning 2013.”
Narrator: Taking the vacation of your dreams
Description: A middle-aged woman in hiking gear walks across a plane. Mountains are in the distance behind her. Words “30% more* able to take a vacation” appear onscreen with legal line: “*Financial Planning Standards Council,, The Value of Financial Planning 2013.”
Narrator: or splurging on something you’ve always wanted
Description: A couple stands in front of a new vehicle at a car dealership, speaking to a saleswoman. Words “34% more* able to splurge” appear onscreen with legal line: “*Financial Planning Standards Council,, The Value of Financial Planning 2013.”
Narrator: Taking care of your family financially if you aren’t there
Description: Cut to a close-up of a couple clasping their hands together. Words “33% more* able to take care of your family if you die earlier in life” appear onscreen with legal line: “*Financial Planning Standards Council,, The Value of Financial Planning 2013.”
Narrator: Or even getting a bit more sleep.
Description: A man tosses in his bed, burying his head into his pillow. Words “12% less likely* to lose sleep over financial worries” appear onscreen with legal line: “*2021 Financial Stress Index, by FP Canada™.”
Narrator: We rely on lots of experts in our life.
Description: Cut to a surgical team preforming a surgery.
Narrator: Doctors for our health care.
Description: A female surgeon is shown close-up.
Narrator: Lawyers for legal help.
Description: A lawyer sits at their desk, typing.
Narrator: Mechanics to fix our car.
Description: A mechanic inspects the undercarriage of a car.
Narrator: So why not get professional financial advice to help you make the most of your money?
Description: A man meets with his advisor in an office. The advisor gestures towards the client’s plan.
Narrator: Visit to find an advisor and get started today.
Description: Words “Visit to find an advisor and get started today” appear onscreen with Canada Life logo and legal line: “Canada Life and design are trademarks of The Canada Life Assurance Company. 1-204-946-1190”